I thought I would open up this by showing a clip from an episode of my favorite podcast MindPump. The idea that there are exercises that should never ever be done by anybody is crazy. I had subscribed to this logic back in the day, I had thought that doing an exercise like behind the neck shoulder press would 100% give me a rotator cuff injury, because of what info was given to me when I was getting started in this space.
I will agree that there are certain people who I would never tell to do a particular exercise but its not because of the fact that its a dangerous exercise itself. Someone who doesn't understand the range of motion needed and the mechanic's to safely perform a movement would obviously have an increased chance of injury, but with proper form and stabilization you can achieve your goals in a way to help make sure that you stay as safe as possible in the gym. Because after all its called health and fitness for a reason and I believe health is first for a reason, because being your healthiest is the cornerstone of you living your best life.
Thanks for reading this short little blurb, I thought that this message from Sal is one that is important to recognize. Just because an exercise is complicated doesn't mean that it is dangerous, it just means that you need to be aware of the function of the movement before you make an attempt at it. Its the best way to avoid injury.
Kyle Croft