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A Banner Year

Kyle Croft

Its been a while since I wrote one of these little blogs, I just haven’t found the inspiration that I had in the past, trying to juggle a full time 40 hr a week job along with trying to go to school, and to top it all off, keep up with a health and fitness regime that has gotten me to where I am right now, in the best physical and mental shape in my entire life has kind of cut into my personal time for things like this.

But when I look back on this year and on all the things, I was able to accomplish in a year that many others may consider to be the worst years in their lives. I would maybe consider this one here in 2021 my best year yet. I have a lot to be proud of and just as much to be thankful for.

Starting off, I would have to say that, in reality the only reason I was able to get myself into a state of mind that allowed to me conquer this year would be the guys over at Mind Pump. I have always had a interest and ambition when it came to health and fitness. I have said in the past that my dream job would be to work at the local gym in my town, but I may have found my true calling thanks to them, for being so informative as well entertaining all at once. But most importantly they introduced me to Jason Phillips which started my journey with the Nutrition Coaching Institute or NCI. I had no idea that being a nutrition coach was even a job that existed let alone something that people could make a career out of and that was my favourite part about health and fitness, the Science of food and how what you eat and how you treat your body effects you as much as anything else. My certifications have taught me more than I had ever thought possible.

Getting a start in the nutrition coaching space has not been easy for me but, I can say that I am very appreciative to the one person who has taken a chance on me in the hopes that I can help them create their best life. I am more grateful to them more than they could ever know, and hopefully in the New Year I can continue to create the path that will get them to their goals.

Hopefully, this next year coming up fills you all with joy that allows you to live your best life, but I’m going to keep on chugging along. Hoping that I can create change in people and allow them to become the people that they want to be in their minds and know they can be in their hearts.

I hope to build on the greatest year of my life and maybe, just maybe I can surpass and this time next year I'm writing about how 2022 became the best year of my life. But for now, this is my banner year, a year that provides me something to build upon.

Cheers to a New Year.

Kyle Croft


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